What is a Graph?

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A graph G= (V, E) is a pair of sets (V, E) where V is a set of vertices andE is a set of edges.

Graph Properties

  • If E is a set of unordered pairs, the graph is called undirected. If E is a set of ordered pairs, the graph is called directed.

    • self-loop might allowed or not in undirected graph depend on different situation

  • Weight of edge is a function w : E \to \R where w(\{u,v\}) is the weight of edge \{u,v\}

  • A matching M\subseteq E is a subset of edges that those edges that do not share any end points

    • every vertex in one matching then this matching is perfect

  • two vertices u,v are adjacent if \{u,v\}\in E

    • one is called neighbor of the other

    • an edge (u,v) is incident on vertices u and v. In a directed graph, the terminology differentiates between the beginning and ending vertex of an edge. So edge (u,v) which leaves vertex u is said to be incident from vertex u and is incident to (or enters) vertex v

  • Connected: \forall u,v \in V, v\ne u there is some path fromu tov

  • acyclic: no cycle in graph

  • independent set: I \subseteq V , \forall v,u\in I, \nexists e\in E, e = \{v,u\}\lor e=\{u,v\} \implies I is an independent set

  • A sequence of distinct vertices (v_1,\ldots, v_n) is a path from v_1 to v_n if for every i\in \{1,\ldots, n-1\}, v_i and v_{i+1} are adjacent.

    • The length of the path is the number of edges in the path.

    • A simple path contains no repeated edge

  • A sequence of distinct vertices (v_1,\ldots, v_n) is a the cycle if (v_1,\ldots, v_n) is a path, v_1 = v_n and \{v_{n-1}, v_n\in E\}

    • A cycle is called Hamiltonian if every vertex appear in the cycle exactly once (except for the start/end vertex which appears twice)

    • A simple circle contains no repeated edge

  • A k-(vertex) coloring** of G is a function f: V\to C , \forall u,v \in V, \{u,v\}\in E \lor \{v,u\}\in E \implies f(u) \ne f(v)

  • In an undirected graph, the degree of a vertex \nu is the number of edges incident on\nu . In a directed graph, the in-degree of vertex\nu is the number of edges incident to \nu (the size of set \{(x,\nu):x\in E\}) and the out-degree is the number of edges incident from v (the size of set \{(\nu,x):x\in E\}).

  • A connected component is a group of nodes that are connected by edges

The adjacvency-list representation of a graph G = (V,E) consists of an array <i> Adj </i> , one for each vertex inV. For each u\in V, the adjacency list Adj[u] contains all the vertices \nu such that (u,\nu)\in E.

  • Use space complexityO(|V|+|E|)

The adjacency-matrix representation of a graph G = (V,E) consists of a matrix Adj such that Adj[u][v] is 1 if (u,v)\in E and 0 otherwise where this such matrix is |V|\times|V|.

  • Use space complexityO(|V|^2)

We always prefer the adjacency-list representation of a graph because it is more space-efficient than the adjacency-matrix representation and get more robustness in which we can augment on the node of the linked list so that we can present weight graph.

Some examples about Graph

  • locations on maps, relationship between people(contact facing), Courses, WIFI Connection, Trees, vector graph, airport routes, functions, binary relations

Matching Problem:

  • input: a graph with weight

  • output: A matching (usually maximum/minimum)

Pathing Finding Problem:

  • Input: a graph and two vertices

  • output: A path between two vertices

Travelling Salesman Problem:

  • Input: a graph and a start vertex

  • Output: a Hamiltonian cycle minimizes the total edge weights

Coloring Problem:

  • input: a graph

  • output a k-coloring of the graph

Independent Set Problem:

  • input: a graph, a number k\in \N withk>1

  • output: An independent set I \subseteq V\in G of sizek