Recurrence & Correctness

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A recurrence is in standard form if it is written as T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n). For some constants a\ge 1, b > 1, and some function f: \N \to \R

- a: the branching factor of the tree (how many children)

- b: the reduction factor (length compare to main)

- f(n): the time complexity of non-recursive work

- The height of the tree islog_b(n)(no tree recursion is a endless loop)

- The number of vertices at levelh isa^h

- The total non-recursive work done at levelh isa^hf(n/b^h)

- Root Work.f(n)

- Leaf Work.a^{log_b(n)} f(1) = \Theta(n^{log_b(a)})^1

- Summing up the levels, the total amount of work done is\sum_{h= 0} ^{log_b(n)} a^hf(n/b)

Master Theorem

We always use Master Theorem to solve such standard form; LetT(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n), then there are three cases defined by the leaf work:

1. Leaf heavy:f(n) = O(n^{log_b(a) - \epsilon}) for some constant\epsilon > 0

2. Balanced:f(n) = \Theta(n^{log_b(a)})

3. Root heavy:f(n) = \Omega(n^{log_b(a) + \epsilon}) for some constant\epsilon > 0, andaf(n/b) \le cf(n) for some constantc < 1 for all sufficiently large n (Regularity Condition)

Combine those cases, we have:T(n) = \begin{cases} \Theta(n^{log_b(a)}) & \text{Leaf heavy Case} \\ \Theta(n^{log_b(a)}log(n)) & \text{Balanced Case} \\\Theta({f(n)}) & \text{Root heavy Case} \end{cases}

Base on this, we:

1. Write the recurrence in normal form to find the parametersa,b,f

2. Comparen^{log_b(a)} tof to determine the case split

3. Read off the asymptotics from the relevant case

Simplified Master Theorem: letf = n^cT(n) = \begin{cases}\Theta(n^{\log_b(a)}) & a> b^c \\ \Theta(n^c \log(n) & a = b^c) \\ \Theta(n^c) & a <b^c \end{cases}


For a recurrences, we can simply user^n to judge the time complexity. For example, the Fibonacci:

- Assume the time complexity ofP(k+1) isr^{k+1}, andP(k+1) = P(k) + P(k-1) has time complexity ofr^k andr^{k-1}

- then we haver^{k+1} \ge r^k + r^{k-1}\implies r^{k+1} - r^k - r^{k-1}\ge 0 \implies r^{2} - r - 1 \ge 0

To proveT = \Theta(f):

First proveT = O(f)

1. Remove all the floors and ceilings from the recurrenceT

2. Make a guess forf such thatT(n) = O(f(n))

3. write out the recurrence:T(n) = \ldots

4. wheneverT(k) appears on the RHS of the recurrence, substitute it withcf(k)

5. Try to proveT(n) \le cf(n)

6. Pickc to make your analysis work

Then use the same way to prove\Omega(f)


When we have a function, how can we show the function we write is correct?

Formally, we define the input and output, and try to prove input \implies output

That is, after we have the definition of input and out, then we do following to prove a function's correctness:

1. define loop invariant

2. Initialization

3. Maintenance(inductive step)

4. Termination

5. Descending sequence

Actually, this part is the most tough part of the course where sometimes hard to find a intuitive way to prove correctness.